9. START International Short Film Festival announces the submission of films.
The films will compete in two main competitions – International and Local Competition, there will be also “Cinemobil” mobile films competition for the first time.
The directors, who are no more than 35 years old, can present their feature, documentary, animated and experimental films at the International and Local Contest. To do so, choose the competition program they will take and fill in the application form on www.old.filmfestival.az.
Only young people who are citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan can participate at the local competition. In the international competition, local directors can also participate in the competition with foreign authors.
The films should be produced in 2017- 2018, the chronometer should not be more than 35 minutes. Unlike LOCAL competition, films should be sent in English with subtitles or audio translation in the international competition.
The list of films will be posted on www.old.filmfestival.az
For more information about INTERNATIONAL CONTEST, please visit:
On November 14, 15, 16 and 17, 9th “START” International Short Film Festival will be held in Baku.